
In addition to year-round classes, the Yat/Bentley Centre also offers workshops in different cities around the world and online.

At Seydways Studios 4949 Hollywood Blvd Ste 203 Los Angeles, CA 90027
SATURDAY, JUNE 1, 2024, 11am-6p PT
Tuition: $300 per workshop/ Early Bird $250
Learning Level: Beginner to Advanced/Professional (max 10 students)

This workshop will introduce participants to a unique 'toolkit' of exercises and approaches that create a path towards Character Transformation. This work starts in the body and yields unexpected discoveries about the self, using the principles of Movement Psychology developed by the YBC team and Tom since his training with Yat Malmgren, and building upon the work of Carl Jung, Rudolf Laban, Konstantin Stanislavski, and Uta Hagen.

During 6 intense and joyful hours, participants will gain insight and skills that can immediately be applied to their artistic work.

Students will experience and introduction to:

  • The Swings – Physical exercises to develop the inner and outer lives of the performer.

  • The Spheres – Psychophysical exercises to uncover the energies within and without. Find and trust your inner essence in order to unfold that energy with confidence.

  • The Reservoirs — Four foundational pillars of personality and character: Thinking, Feeling, Sensing and Intuiting.

  • Active, Embodied Choices — Connect to bone-deep impulses that take you along unexpected routes.

  • Discovering how character is revealed through both inner and outer movement.

  • Creating from a place of known truth to experience unknown truths.

  • Personalized Coaching — Each student will receive one-on-one instruction during the course of the intensive.

Taught by Tom Bentley-Fisher (YBC Artistic Director).
Suitable for all creative artists.


Tom Bentley-Fisher, Heidi Carlsen and YBC faculty introduce participants to a unique 'toolkit' of exercises and approaches that create a path towards Character Transformation. This work starts in the body and yields unexpected discoveries about the self, using the principles of Movement Psychology developed by Tom since his training with Yat Malmgren, and building upon the work of Carl Jung and Rudolf Laban.

You will experience an introduction to:

  • The Swings - Physical exercises that bring awareness and develop the inner and outer lives of the performer.

  • Accessing the four foundational pillars of personality and character.

  • How character and psychology are revealed through movement.

  • The process of creating from a place of known truth in order to experience unknown truths.

  • Applying this work to various creative pursuits, from writing to acting, from dancing to directing, and more.

Monthly Monologue Monday Drop-In- ON ZOOM

Experience the specificity and transformative power of Character Transformation as developed by the Yat/Bentley Centre for Performance. Everything is Movement; inner, outer, both.

Bring a text you're working on. We'll prepare together in the YBC way by swinging and accessing the spheres. Then a random selection of students will show their work and receive specific feedback toward transformation. There's an enormous amount to learn from watching, too!

Between them Tom and Pamela have over 60 years of experience of the Yat work. Tom trained individually with Yat Malmgren and has been using the work as a director and acting teacher ever since. Pamela encountered the Yat work as an acting student and brings the work to her acting, directing, teaching (of acting and voice for actors) and dramaturgy. Both focus on the individual student and their needs in the moment. YBC believes in the power of the healthy artist rigorously challenging themself. There's joy in the process!

Monthly Mondays - drop in monologue work on Zoom 6-9pm

For a virtual workshop experience, view a recording of our recent workshop, “Introduction to the Swings for Artists - Tools for Character Transformation”.