History & Vision
The Yat/Bentley Centre for Performance offers professional training in Yat Malmgren’s groundbreaking work, adapted for actors, directors, dancers and writers.
Our center was founded in 2017 by Tom Bentley-Fisher and Leah Herman with the mission of contributing to the enrichment of the Bay Area theater arts community through rigorous training and public performance. Our approach to training is grounded in the lineage of Rudolf Laban, Carl Jung, and ultimately Yat Malmgren, whose resulting body of work Movement Psychology/Character Analysis affords the actor an in-depth study of the relationship between the inner and the outer life.
Tom Bentley-Fisher, who was among the last private students of Yat Malmgren, acts as Artistic Director and lead instructor. Learn more about Tom’s work as actor, director, writer, and teacher at tombentleyfisher.com.